I came across this picture and had to laugh. Dakota was around 18 months when he discovered the bucket! He would put it over his head and just giggle in it while we laughed and laughed. The more we would laugh the more he would do it! I was thinking about the bucket (I know I'm weird) but that's how we should be with life. When we are are faced with all kinds of stress and stuff going on around us that we can't control. We should put Gods bucket over our head and just laugh. We can't change the situations so just give it to God and then we can't see that problem anymore!!! Problems won't go away by themselves, but God sure can give you Joy and Peace about it!! Now go find yourself a bucket!!! HA
Thursday, February 26, 2009
Put a Bucket over your head!
Posted by Melinda at 9:08 AM 0 comments
Tuesday, February 24, 2009
I asked God Sunday... what do you mean when you say in your word... the truth will set you free? He spoke so softly to my spirit... telling me, Freedom is when you can lay everything in front of him and say "take it all" not just some of it....everything. I thought I was free. I have a great life, God has blessed me so much I couldn't even begin to count how many times he has blessed me... but was I free in him? I have burdens that I seem to drag around with me... week after week and a few worries here and there, but why? Why do I keep picking up the same one over and over and over? He says give him everything so why don't we listen? Oh sure we listen here and there using our selective hearing and only letting him lead us so far and then say "oh no God... I can't do that" or I need to cry over this hurt that I have held onto for years... poor little me. Sunday was a eye-opener or should I say a "free" day. I have been down for awhile and kinda goin thru the motions. Which is just part of life... I assume. Yes I love God and honor him with my life... but was I really trusting him with my ALL? Talk about Freedom... when you give EVERYTHING to him... you have nothing else to carry, he is carrying it all for us!! He wants to take it all... but we seem to clench onto it for dear life. Lord I will praise you always and I need you... not just on a Sunday or a wednesday but Every single day of my life... every part. When I'm happy, sad, angry or Whatever!!! I need you Jesus!!!
Posted by Melinda at 8:45 AM 0 comments
Wednesday, February 18, 2009
Wednesday, February 11, 2009
My friend Kim....
This is a story about my friend Kim. Some of you may know her, some of you may not. We have been thru alot together that is for sure!! Late nights as early teens hanging out together. Watching a music festival in my living room (morris and lancaster band) Bugging our siblings that were dating (a.k.a. Roger and Liz) Sharing stories of kisses with boys! So many sleepovers that I couldn't even count them! Getting married only 2 weeks apart!!!! Kim and I have alot in common.... unfortunately we shared some big regrets that we made in our lives and lots of mistakes. We learned alot of lessons and always kept our friendship intact. Kim was there when my mom passed away...as I was when hers did. We have shared so many happy moments too! Our children being born, Kims many new houses (lol), Scrapbooking crops and trips, christian concerts, birthday parties,renewing our love for Jesus and living a blessed and abundant life and a lot more!!! Now that we are getting "older" (not) I cherish more and more a true friendship that has never stopped. We may not see eachother alot... but we always know that we are there no matter what... now that's a best friend!!! Love you girl!
Posted by Melinda at 8:52 AM 0 comments