I came across this picture and had to laugh. Dakota was around 18 months when he discovered the bucket! He would put it over his head and just giggle in it while we laughed and laughed. The more we would laugh the more he would do it! I was thinking about the bucket (I know I'm weird) but that's how we should be with life. When we are are faced with all kinds of stress and stuff going on around us that we can't control. We should put Gods bucket over our head and just laugh. We can't change the situations so just give it to God and then we can't see that problem anymore!!! Problems won't go away by themselves, but God sure can give you Joy and Peace about it!! Now go find yourself a bucket!!! HA
Thursday, February 26, 2009
Put a Bucket over your head!
Posted by Melinda at 9:08 AM
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