Thursday, November 20, 2008

Special Song

This song means so much to me... I was having a long night about 3 weeks back when all I could think about was bills due, how were we going to make it. Why was all this worry bombarding my mind so heavy. I had prayed and prayed with no answers in sight... although I always knew that I knew that things were going to be o.k. It was late in the night around 2:00 or so when I was using the Tv to just dull my thinking and trying to fall asleep, when I thought I would just put on some music from one of the christian cable channels. I felt so alone and I asked God.. why can't I feel your presence anymore... why? Please just let me know that you even hear me... so I sat there crying for awhile.. thinking that if I could know that God heard my prayers... all in all my faith was being tested. I told God "I trust you with everything, no matter what. I will never stop serving you ever. And that's when it happened.. this song came on!! WOW I had never heard it before at all... God is so good!!! It was like this wind just came roaring in that room with me. Words could never explain it. Now this song is making to top of the christian charts!!! His love is never unfailing. To this day... my hubby just started a new job so now we will be able to move ahead and he can quit his night job at walmart!! I love you God and I will give you GLORY always! Trust is always the answer.